Planning Granted on Appeal for 110 Dwellings and a New School in Holt, Norfolk

JUNE 2021

Planning Permission has been secured outline planning permission, all matters reserved except for means of access in Holt, North Norfolk.

The site, situated off Beresford Road, was allowed at appeal, with Outline Planning Permission granted for up to 110 dwellings, of which 36% will be affordable housing, and associated infrastructure to service 2 hectares of land potentially for a new Two Form Entry (2FE) primary school.

The Inspector concluded that the “collective benefits would outweigh the harm arising to the identified conflict with the development plan. Therefore the proposed development would be acceptable and as such should be allowed.”

We are looking for similar sites across Norfolk and Suffolk on the edge of Towns and Villages (which have a wide variety of services and amenities) which can be promoted through the Development Plan Process or more immediately submitted for Planning Permission where the Local Planning Authority has a deficit with 5 year housing land supply.

Tel: 01603 931178
