Norfolk: Land Required for Self Build Dwellings
Many of the Local Planning Authorities in Norfolk are encouraging the development of “self build” dwellings. This allows individuals to purchase a building plot and build their own property on the land and thus not pay the development profit that a commercial housebuilder would normally charge.
We have successfully been involved with three separate projects in Norfolk recently where we have obtained planning permission for separate schemes of 5, 3 and 7 self build dwellings and we require more!
Self Builders are also immune from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which is effectively a development tax on new build dwellings.
The benefits to landowners are:-
- There is no affordable housing requirement.
- The land value achieved is greater as self builders/developers (as opposed to commercial housebuilders and developers) are not looking for a commercial return from their development.
- The land which could benefit from self build development may not be suitable for “normal” housing development, but as a landowner you can still unlock the development of the land and to an extent which is greater than market housing.
What type of land are we looking for:-
- Land on the edge of settlements (close to existing services/amenities/shops) including agricultural land & pony paddocks.
- Small areas of land including Nurseries & Market Gardens
- Properties / Houses with very large gardens (particularly equestrian properties).
If you have land which fits the above criteria, then please do not hesitate to contact us:-
Tom Mayes – Director – Mayes & Co Limited
Tel: 01603 931178 or 0775 342 0006